Andropgon ternarius (split bluestem)

Andropogon ternarius (split bluestem)

General Info: Andropogon ternarius, commonly called split bluestem, is a North American native perennial that thrives in well drained sandy soils with full sun. This bunch grass is typically found in the Southeastern U.S. and grows three to five feet tall. This perennial has cotton like seed heads. Split bluestem can handle dry conditions and partial shade.

Landscape uses: Andropogon ternaius is a wonderful grass for cottage gardens or meadows with a lot of open space. This grass grows in poor infertile soils. Add split bluestem to native wildflower gardens.

Light Exposure Full Sun
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 4 to 5′
Foliage Color. Select
Moisture Req. Select
Bloom Seed Heads
Origin Eastern, Southern U.S.
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 5 to 10