Aster (Symphyotrichum) elliottii

Aster (Symphyotrichum) elliottii

General info: Aster (Symphyotrichum) elliottii, commonly called Elliott’s Aster, is a North American native perennial that thrives in medium to moist soil in full sun. This Aster can take some shade but grows more vigorously in full direct sun. This native perennial is a robust Aster growing over four feet tall. Elliott’s Aster is adorned with plenty of light lavender daisy like blooms with bright yellow centers. This perennial is typically found in ditches, swamps, moist meadows, and woodland thickets.

Landscape uses: Aster elliottii can be used in the naturalization of areas. This Aster with its abundance of lavender blooms would also be great in attracting pollinators to a pollinator garden. Plant Elliott’s Aster in moist low spots or along pond edges to add a pop of color. This perennial is also great for planting behind shorter perennials in a moist wildflower garden or rain garden.

Light Exposure Full Sun
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 3 to 4′
Foliage Color. Select
Moisture Req. Moist to med
Bloom Lavender
Origin Eastern U.S.
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 8 to 10