Aster (Symphyotrichum) novae-angliae

Aster (Symphyotrichum) novae-angliae

General info: Aster (Symphyotrichum) novae-angliae, commonly called New England Aster, is a North American native perennial that thrives in average to medium well drained soil in full sun. New England Aster is typically found in moist prairies, meadows, thickets, low valleys, and stream banks. This beautiful Aster is a stout, leafy plant typically growing three to six feet tall. This perennial has plenty of purple daisy like blooms with yellow centers that attract many pollinators.

Landscape uses: Aster novae-angliae can be used in the naturalization of areas. This Aster provides lots of color and contrast to any native wildflower bed, cottage garden, and naturalized meadow. This Aster could be planted in masses for meadows or prairies or in groups for flower beds and gardens. New England Aster’s purple daisy like blooms attract lots of butterflies and could be used in a pollinator garden.

Light Exposure Full Sun
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 3′ to 6′
Foliage Color. Select
Moisture Req. Moist to med
Bloom Lavender
Origin Eastern U. S.
Height without Bloom 3’to 6′
Zone 4 to 8