Carex plantiginea (plainleaf sedge)

Carex plantiginea (plainleaf sedge)

General info: Carex plantiginea, commonly called plainleaf sedge, is a North American native perennial that thrives on average to moist soil in part shade to full shade. This attractive sedge typically grows in rich moist high organic soil. Plainleaf sedge is typically found along streams, moist forest, and moist low spots. Carex plantiginea has small striking purple blooms that rise up over the seersucker foilage. This sedge will self-seed and form colonies.

Landscape uses: Carex plantiginea is a wonderful choice for a unique looking native border. Use this sedge in your pollinator garden to attract native butterflies, bees, and songbirds. Accent any native garden with this sedge’s unique foliage. This Carex is semi evergreen. Use Carex plantiginea to add some color to your yard almost year-round.

Light Exposure Part Shade Full Shade
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 1′
Foliage Color. Green
Moisture Req. Med to moist
Bloom Purple
Origin Eastern North America
Height without Bloom 1′
Zone 3 to 8