Hibiscus coccineus (scarlet rose mallow)

Hibiscus coccineus (scarlet rose mallow)

General info: Hibiscus coccineus is a woody perennial that grows best in moist soils with lots of sun. Scarlet rose mallow can reach heights up to 3 to 6 feet tall. They have large striking blooms that can reach a diameter of 3 or 5 inches wide.

Landscape uses: Hibiscus coccineus could be used in groups or masses along streams or ponds. This beautiful plant could also be used to create a statement in a border or in a courtyard.

Light Exposure Full Sun to Partial Shade
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 3′ to 6′
Foliage Color. Green to Reddish
Moisture Req. Medium to Wet
Bloom Red
Origin Southeastern U.S.
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 6 to 9