Oenothera fruticosa (sundrops)

Oenothera fruticosa (sundrops)

General info: Oenothera fruticosa is a North American native evening primrose that thrives is sandy dry soils with full sun. Sundrops are a day flowering member of the evening primrose family and grow about 15 to 30 inches tall.

Landscape uses: Oenothera fruticosa is a wonderful wildflower to use in open habitats that can handle drought and heat. Sundrops could be a striking addition to rock gardens, wildflower gardens, or native plant gardens.

Light Exposure Full Sun
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 1 to 2′
Foliage Color. Green
Moisture Req. Dry
Bloom Yellow
Origin Eastern to Central U.S.
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 4 to 9