Salvia lyrata (Lyreleaf Sage)

Salvia lyrata (Lyreleaf Sage)

General info: Salvia lyrata is a North American native perennial that thrives in medium to wet soils with full sun. Lyreleaf Sage is tolerant of deer, heat, humidity, and some shade. However, it preforms best with full sun in moist sandy clay soils. This North American native perennial typically grows along streambanks and moist woodland thickets. This native Salvia blooms in late spring and gets about two feet tall.

Landscape uses: Salvia lyrata commonly called Lyreleaf Sage like moist soils which makes it a perfect addition to a rain garden. This native Sage has striking light purple almost blue blooms that are very attractive to bees and butterflies. Add Salvia lyrata to your butterfly garden to bring these lovely pollinators to your yard. A great use of this Salvia would be adding to low places in your yard that stays moister. Salvia lyrata would also thrive along the edges of streams or ponds and would bring beautiful color to any area.

Light Exposure Full Sun
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 1 to 2′
Foliage Color. Green to Reddish
Moisture Req. Medium to Wet
Bloom Purple
Origin Eastern to Central U.S.
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 5 to 9