Saururus cernuus (lizard’s tail)

Saururus cernuus (lizard’s tail)

General info: Saururus cernuus is a North American native perennial that thrives in standing water and full sun to partial shade. Saururus cernuus is a marginal aquatic perennial that is typically found in swampy woods and slow-moving streams.

Landscape uses: Saururus cernuus could be an excellent choice for a water garden or along the edges of a pond or stream. This aquatic perennial’s unique bloom could be a striking choice for an ornamental pond.


Light Exposure Sun to Part Shade
Growth Cycle Select
Height with Bloom 1.5 to 2
Foliage Color. Green
Moisture Req. Wet, OBL
Bloom White flower
Origin Eastern North America
Height without Bloom Select
Zone 3 to 10